There are a few of my friends whose friendship was truly built through our interactions on Facebook. David Richardson is one of these friends. I knew Dave through FB before ever I met him in person (he is taller in real life), and “live” he is just as enjoyable, or more so, than he is online. We are not related, but I think he would be good family to have. I am grateful that we are friends.
Dave lives on the edge of Truganina Swamp in Altona and he birds it very regularly. It is truly his “patch.” He has seen about 158 species of birds inside the swamp conservation area since 2007. So when he posted a photo of an Intermediate Egret in the swamp yesterday, I decided he was long overdo for a visit from me. Altona is only about 35 minutes from Lara and after doing a few morning things around the house, I headed up to Dave’s.
Intermediate Egret (soon to be Plumed Egret -click the link for info). |
I parked the Prius in his drive and we walked over into the swamp. It is a lovely, large area generously maintained by Melbourne Water. The Intermediate Egret is only the second one that Dave has seen there (or anyone else that I know of) the first one being in 2008.
We wandered over along Laverton Creek to the area where he had seen the bird yesterday and there was an Egret! Closer examination showed that it was a Great, not an Intermediate. We walked further along the creek. Very near where he had seen and gotten photos of the bird yesterday, an egret flew in and landed. It was the Intermediate! I took some photos and we just stood around enjoying the bird. It was my first Intermediate Egret in Victoria. No, it is not a Lifer Pie bird, but a very cool sighting and I am grateful.
About the same size as a White-faced Heron |
My friend, Dave and me |
I look forward to birding again with Dave sooner than later. Birders are such a wonderful part of birding. Good friendships grow out of this mutual interest in birds, or as another dear birding friend once referred to it, “this noble passion." Yep, birders are cool and I am grateful.
Peace. Love. Birds.