For Those of You Playing Along At Home

I am sitting here at five in the morning at the beautiful table in the house where we are house sitting again in Torquay. (Here is the blog about this house from a year ago).  This gives us a lovely and convenient base from which to begin getting sorted into our new little home in Lara.

We arrived yesterday, clearing Customs in Sydney at 6:30am and then flying our last leg to Melbourne where Josh collected us at 9:30am. Our luggage also made it safely and I am grateful. On the way to Torquay, we stopped by to peek in the windows of our home-to-be. It looks beautiful inside and is very close to being ready for us. I will know more later today.

We had a wonderful visit and Sunday roast supper at Josh and Rebekah’s. I got to spend some time with my delightful and brilliant (I read some of her poems and stories) granddaughter who is growing up at a rate that seems impossible. Slow down, Angel Face, slow down! And also growing up too fast (seemingly damn near grown) is my awesomely talented, long-haired, guitar-playing, very cool grandson. I am so proud of ALL of my grandchildren. And now I am in the same country as all of them! It was also wonderful to again be with our dear friend Norma. We have missed her so much.

I do not plan to fly internationally again for a long while. Once I scanned my passport re-entering my adopted country yesterday, the “clock” began a count-down toward when I can qualify for my Aussie Citizenship. I think it is about 2 years, but I need to check that. I will make the change from permanent resident to citizen as soon as I can.

It is summer here. It was light until after 9pm last night and this morning first light was before 6am. I thrive in that. Although tomorrow it is forecast to reach about 100F and that’s a bit much, but the cool change will come through and the rest of the week will be in the mid to upper 70’s. God, I love this place.

Troopi, our home for much of last year. I missed my big girl. I am back!
Sending much love from the Land Down Under. Lynn and I love and miss many of you in the US (and elsewhere), but I am really, and truly, home.

Peace. Love. Birds. Hope.