Broome Bird Observatory ~ Part One

It really ain’t any less hot, and it’s even been hotter sometimes, so I will skip the whining regarding the heat and humidity. We have had some wonderful birds and wonderful times and made wonderful friends. Right now I am writing in Broome at a McDonalds where their wifi does not work (as the young Maccas lady explained, it usually doesn’t work). So this will not be as detailed or clever as I try and make some blogs. I am too distracted by the tattoo choices of some of the patrons here. They do know they are permanent, yes? Anyway… a quick catch up, here you go...

On Good Friday, after a visit to the sewage ponds to take some photos of the Barn Swallows that Lynn had spotted the day before, we moved into the Broome Bird Observatory. It is a legendary place to me (and many others) and I am grateful to be here!

Lynn's Barn Swallows
Saturday morning began with a ride across the Roebuck Plains with John Graff to hopefully see the Yellow Chat. It was hazy and stupidly humid, but we had beautiful views of about six chats. My photos are lame, but recognizable (to me anyway, I was there). I am grateful. It is a gorgeous bird and this is one of the best places to see them. I am grateful as.
Yellow Chats!
Brolga in the humid, morning haze.
As the morning progressed (and the heat) we headed down with our new friend, Sue, to have a look for Common Redshanks amongst the Common Greenshanks. There was also a Red-kneed Dotterel there that turned out to be the first of the season for BBO.

Common Redshanks (and Common Greenshanks).
Sunday began with a walk along the mangroves to have a look for White-breasted Whistler. We saw two and it is one of the more stunning birds we have seen. It is a very large whistler, although in the books it much resembles a Rufous Whistler, this bird is noticeably larger and its beak is wicked-big. I am grateful.

White-breasted Whistler
Later that morning, we were given directions from John and Nigel on where to look for an Asian Dowitcher. Lynn and I stopped at the first spot and were overwhelmed by the waders. There were at least a couple of thousand. Nigel and Dave came down and remarked on what a small flock it was! But we (and by we, I mean Nigel) found a gorgeous Asian Dowitcher in breeding plumage! I am very, very grateful.
Asian Dowitcher in breeding plumage.
Look at that massive bill!   

Yesterday morning early, Lynn and I took a walk behind the observatory and in less than ten minutes had a gorgeous White-throated Gerygone ticked. It’s a bird that we had missed back east. I am grateful, of course.

White-throated Gerygone
I have said over and over that this is not a photographic safari. We are birding and I take photos when I can. This particular blog leans on the photos. I am now at the library in town and hope that I will be able to post from here without using our Telstra. It seems that I can, but now the laptop battery is running down, so I must hurry. Sending great vibes to all from tropical WA, and the magical world of Broome Bird Observatory.

Birds. Peace. Love.