The Tassie Twelve

All Australian birders know that Tasmania has twelve endemics. They can all be found in a day, or even in a matter of hours if you know where to go and you are lucky. We had the best “guides” possible, our friends, the Collins. So Lynn and I nailed eleven of the twelve in a day of birding with them Tuesday. They said that if we hadn’t stopped for a short afternoon nap we probably could have found the Strong-billed Honeyeater as well. As it was, I was very grateful for eleven and we got the Strong-billed the next day on Bruny Island (where I am writing this blog). We saw three in the trees by the road less than 100 meters from our little cottage. I am, of course grateful!

As I have written repeatedly, this is not a photographic safari. The birding comes first and the photo comes second if possible. I have managed to get shots of the twelve endemics and I will post them for you. As is often the case, some are merely recording shots, but there are a few that I do quite like. I am grateful. I hope you enjoy them.

Black-headed Honeyeater
Black Currawong (I just like this shot).
Green Rosella eating with its right foot. They are normally left footed I believe.
Tasmanian Native-hen
A couple of the Tasmanian Scrubwren

Tasmanian Thornbill going away and showing his trademark "white undies" that help to identify them from the very similar Brown Thornbill.  
Scrubtit. Some would say the most difficult of the endemics. Our friend Graham spotted this one.
Dusky Robin 
Strong-billed Honeyeater 
Three shots of one of Australia's rarest birds, the Forty-spotted Pardalote. We saw one at The Peter Murrell Reserve, but these photos were taken on Bruny Island today where we saw at least five.

Yellow-throated Honeyeater
Yellow Wattlebird recording shot. Anne and Graham have these in their yard, but I didn't get around to taking any photos, so this one will do for now. And there you have the Tassie Twelve!
We’ve been in this sweet little cottage that Anne found us on airBNB.
The little "round" cottage. It's cozy and wonderful.
The view from the cottage... the owners have 200 acres out there. Amazing.
The view inside the cottage. Yes, I could live here (there is an ensuite as well).
There are other photos that need posting and things that need writing about, and I will get to them as I can. I love having y’all along… just sometimes you are going to be a little behind. Sending love and best wishes from South Bruny Island. I am grateful.

Birds. Peace. Love. Earth. Laughter. Music.