The big ferry landed us safe and sound in Victoria yesterday morning. That is a lovely way to travel. Of course, we have had two very calm crossings. I have heard that the Bass Strait can be rough and even a ship that big can rock and roll, and not in a good way. But we had an excellent night’s sleep and I am grateful.
We wanted to do a bit of birding in the morning and chose to head into the Serendip Sanctuary in Lara on our way toward Torquay. There were a few birds possible there for the year list. Serenidip is my go-to spot for Eurasian Tree Sparrow and after looking through a lot of House Sparrows, I finally found one with a chestnut head and spot on its cheek. It was in the same bush where I got my lifer a few years ago. I am grateful.
Recording shot of the year's Eurasian Tree Sparrow |
One of my favorite little parrots (now that is a large list) is the Purple-crowned Lorikeet and we found those in the park as well. We saw several groups of them and I got some photos. We did not see any Little Lorikeets amongst them, so we still need those on the year list. I definitely had the best looks I have gotten of Purple-crowned and I am grateful. They are beautiful, blue-bellied little birds!
I love Purple-crowned Lorikeets |
A Dusky Woodswallow that was posing so nicely that I had to make its photograph... |
and a lovely Black-fronted Dotterel that wanted its photo made as well. |
We will be here in Torquay through the holidays. Today we take Troopy to be registered in Victoria (American friends, you have no idea how expensive that is here). Yes, Matilda’s soul will live on in her 4WD version! She. Is. Alive!
Stay tuned, the adventure is really just beginning.
Birds. Peace. Love. Earth. Laughter. Music.