Some More Photos From Norfolk Island

We are in a little caravan park cabin in Yass, NSW (Troopy is not yet set up for camping). We are on our way to Deniliquin, NSW to do a bit of birding there Sunday and Sunday night. Since there is good internet on our wifi here, I thought I would post some photos from Norfolk Island and Phillip Island that I had not previously posted. Some were phone pics that I did not have access to until I was back on the mainland on the mobile network. Regardless, I have them now and I am grateful. Here is one from the phone...

There are hundreds of feral chickens on the island. Many on the grounds where we were staying. This little one (not sure if it is young or just a small sort of chicken) tended to follow me around and and sometimes lightly pecked me on my toes. He was cute in a homely sort of way.
Here are some more photos of one of the most beautiful places I have ever been. I am very grateful for being able to visit Norfolk Island (and Phillip Island as well). I am grateful once again for the birds leading me into awesome.
Sydney from the air as we are leaving. You can see the Opera House in the back left.
Our cottage was the one on the right after the first one. You can just see the roof. 
This is the road right by our accommodations. Cows have the right of way on the island. The name of the place was The Coast, but it had formerly been the Ponderosa and everyone still called it that. 
The view from our porch. That is Phillip Island to the right of the big pine.
A better view of Phillip Island. I did the hike to the top (and got two life birds!). 
The small Nepean Island in front of the tip Phillip Island. It was once used to quarry stone. 
Slaughter Bay where I snorkeled. The name comes from combining the words "slack water" and does not represent any slaughtering. It is ridiculously beautiful. Yes, that is Phillip Island in the back.
One of the many Red-tailed Tropic birds. This one was seen from Captain Cook Monument overlook and shows the pink that you can sometimes see on them. They are gorgeous birds.
Me at Cook's Overlook.
Landscape going up Phillip Island. Before they got rid of the rabbits, the island was almost all red earth as the vegetation had all been eaten. Even many trees were lost as they ate at the roots.

This is where the boat drops us off and picks us up. That is Beck on the left. She was our guide. There were three other people with us on the "trek." We were very fortunate with the calm seas. Often the rocks are awash and the footing can be tricky.
A tall, cool looking rock just off Phillip Island. It has a name but I have forgotten it. 

Birds. Peace. Love. Earth. Laughter. Music.