More Portland Victoria ~ Olive Whistler

I saw my first Olive Whistler in Toolangi, Victoria on 4 April 2012. It was a positive i.d., but no photo nor much of a look. I heard it, and I saw it and I ticked it. I was grateful. Lynn had never seen one at all, so when Rob Farnes mentioned there was a good chance of seeing an Olive on the road to the Gannet Colony, we gave it a go the next morning. We had only gone along the path maybe 50 or so meters before Lynn (my hearing ear person) heard it. Then I heard it too and then we saw it. It hopped up into some bare branches and gave us lovely looks and did some whistling as well. I am very grateful! What a sweet bird. It is currently my favorite whistler.

Olive Whistler in the act of whistling 

Our buddy, Robert Shore (who had been with us viewing the Cape Gannet) had seen Rufous Bristlebirds by the lighthouse the day before, so with the Olive Whistler ticked for Lynn and the year list, we headed over to that windswept point. Eventually, in spite of the howling winds, we managed to see one of the Rufous Bristlebirds that were calling amongst the scrub by the lighthouse. It is now on the year list (oddly, we had dipped on them at Pt. Addis earlier in the year). I am grateful. The view of the ocean by the lightstation was simply stunning. Once again the birds lead us into awesome. I am so grateful!

One of the more beautiful windswept ocean views that I have seen. The bristlebirds were behind me amongst the scrub hiding from the wind I reckon.
And… on our way to Portland we passed through Dunkeld on the edge of the absolutely beautimous Grampian Ranges. I took Lynn’s photo in front of the world famous Royal Mail Hotel. We were too late for brekkie and too early for lunch (and we did not even get a look at the prices). We picked up a nibble from the local bakery though, and headed on to our date with a Cape Gannet. I am indeed grateful for this wondrous journey.
My bird girl in front of the Royal Mail Hotel, Dunkeld, Victoria.

Birds. Peace. Love. Getting Out Amongst It.