I have talked about this more than a few times. I do not want photographing the birds to overshadow my experiencing of the birds. But I also say that I like to get a photo of the bird if I can (and I will also mention that I do not like, nor will I use a flash). Last evening the world famous Kingfisher Lodge Red-necked Crake made an appearance, and in the low light of dusk, I got some recording shots of this wondrous creature. And I am full of grateful!
Red-necked Crake, Kingfisher Lodge |
Earlier in the day, I had some other cool photographic opportunities while birding. For the last couple of days, I had been trying to find Lynn a Double-eyed Fig-parrot and yesterday morning I got to utter three of the words I love to say, “There’s your bird!” It was a male feeding on the figs in the same tree where I had seen my first one a couple of days ago. I got some photos and I am posting them with much gratitude. If there is a more cool little parrot, I have not yet seen it.
Double-eyed Fig-parrot. I love this bird. |
Later in the morning, another Superb Fruit-dove landed near-ish to us, and this time I was able to get a few shots of this colorful wonder. It is superb indeed and I am grateful.
Superb Fruit-dove |
This morning it is raining here at Kingfisher Lodge. Today we will pack and make ready to fly to the Iron Range in Cape York tomorrow. It is Australia’s little version of New Guinea and I can hardly wait to see the birds up there. I am not sure how the internet is going to be, or exactly how things will work. I only know I will see some amazing birds and I am grateful. I will keep y’all posted as I can.
Birds. Peace. Love. Earth. Laughter. Music.