I am writing this in a beautiful little caravan park in Cunnamulla, the small town beside Bowra. It has been a wonderful few days. My Australian bird “life list” has moved ahead by seven and my “dear friend” list has moved ahead by two as we have gotten to know Marie and Allison. Our wonderful community, our tribe, our family of friends continues to grow and I am very grateful.
All of this has been intense at times and more laid back at others. There have been some anxieties on my part regarding Matilda’s suitability for what we are doing. She has heart. I am anthropomorphizing her like crazy, but she is our home for the present and there is something lovely about her. But I worry that we may be pushing her beyond her capabilities and I am not sure what we can do about that. There is far more blind faith in this leap of adventure than I would usually be comfortable with. There are times when I feel as if I am in the very cradle of my comfort zone, and there are times when I feel as if I can’t even see it from here. But all will be well and I am grateful for it all.
All of this has been intense at times and more laid back at others. There have been some anxieties on my part regarding Matilda’s suitability for what we are doing. She has heart. I am anthropomorphizing her like crazy, but she is our home for the present and there is something lovely about her. But I worry that we may be pushing her beyond her capabilities and I am not sure what we can do about that. There is far more blind faith in this leap of adventure than I would usually be comfortable with. There are times when I feel as if I am in the very cradle of my comfort zone, and there are times when I feel as if I can’t even see it from here. But all will be well and I am grateful for it all.
The view from Matilda at Bowra |
My girl at Bowra Station. |
The birding has been excellent. From the most wondrous, Burke’s Parrot to an amazingly close fly by of a Black-breasted Buzzard (a life bird for Lynn and me), to the intense searching from lignum bush to lignum bush until we could actually see the Chirruping Wedgebill, it has been wonderful. As we had heard, Bowra is a magical place… it is rough and dusty and there are actually ticks (the horrid bug, yes, I had one), but there is that incredible Aussie bush beauty to it all. We love it. Here are some photos from our time in Bowra, we are heading back for a bit today as well. I am grateful.
Grey-headed Honeyeater |
Grey-headed Honeyeater at the nest that Robert Shore spotted. |
Chirruping Wedgebill (thank you Marie Tarrant for helping us find this illusive bird). |
Major Mitchell's Cockatoo |
Collared Sparrowhawk |
Southern Whiteface |
Major Mitchell's again. |