Once again a Green Heron (the ABA Bird of the Year) began my morning in a tree outside my window. He perched there and allowed me to appreciate him for a moment or two before “waving goodbye” with his yellow feet trailing behind as he flew. What a wonderful bird to start my day. I wish I had not been looking through the window and the screen, but even so it was an amazingly clear, bare-eyed view and I am grateful.
As I mentioned the other day, my second cataract surgery was Monday afternoon and all went very well and I am truly very grateful! I am adjusting to my new vision and I can now wear readers to see up close. They are working well and hopefully I can do a bit more at the computer.
As I mentioned the other day, my second cataract surgery was Monday afternoon and all went very well and I am truly very grateful! I am adjusting to my new vision and I can now wear readers to see up close. They are working well and hopefully I can do a bit more at the computer.
Me in my new readers (they look somewhat like my old glasses). |
My distance vision and color perception continues to amaze me. I stood yesterday in the doorway looking at the birds around the feeder and was astonished by the beauty of the details. I had never so fully appreciated female House Finches. I stood there and just marveled at them for several minutes. I am grateful.
Whoa! As I write this, there are a pair of Prothonotary Warblers in the yard. The first I have seen here this year! I do love me some “Golden Swamp Warblers.” They are so beautiful and I am grateful.
While I am being grateful for beauty, I will share some granddaddy joy. Delilah, who some of you know as Angel Face, Facetimed me early yesterday morning and again yesterday evening. She has her own Sim card in her phone now so she can Facetime us whenever she wants. Yay!!
Whoa! As I write this, there are a pair of Prothonotary Warblers in the yard. The first I have seen here this year! I do love me some “Golden Swamp Warblers.” They are so beautiful and I am grateful.
While I am being grateful for beauty, I will share some granddaddy joy. Delilah, who some of you know as Angel Face, Facetimed me early yesterday morning and again yesterday evening. She has her own Sim card in her phone now so she can Facetime us whenever she wants. Yay!!
A screen cap of Delilah on the facetime. I am grateful! |
Birds. Peace. Love. Earth. Laughter. Music.