as we plan, shifting and changing our proposed travel dates, I bought a
calendar that shows the whole year. I actually said to Lynn, “I need to see
this on a map, I mean calendar.”
a calendar IS a time map! And I need to see it laid out, not in a damn list. To
my brain, lists are just a pile of words. A proper calendar I can see and
understand. Once I “see” something I have it. I am 100% visual in my perception
of things. I can see the route we are taking around Australia in my “minds eye”
because I have drawn it out on maps. When it was a list of places with names and
dates, I could not grasp it. So I am very grateful for calendars.
am also grateful for finally, in my later years, understanding how my mind
works (somewhat). As an ADHD person I have learned that some processes work better
for me than others. People in general are not ADHD, nor are they inclined to
tolerate brains that work differently than theirs. They cannot understand why
you can’t just buckle down and go through a list, or fill out the forms. Do my
own taxes? Kiss my ass. I can’t understand why other people can’t write stories
or draw pictures. I am grateful for my creativity, even at the cost of my ability
to do some other things.
Peace. Love. Earth. Laughter. Music.